Showing posts with label DDL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DDL. Show all posts

Thursday, July 8, 2010

INSTEAD OF triggers - Using views in SSIS

This is the last post in the series about updateable views. The previous posts (Updateable views – how to use them and INSTEAD OF triggers on views) described the mechanics of the views and triggers that you can use. I haven’t answered yet to question where views and triggers can be useful?

The common issue that developers meet when developing SSIS packs is that there is not ‘built-in’ destination transformation that would insert rows when they don’t exist in the destination table and update rows that exist. Usually developers use a lookup and split the dataflow to OLEDB destination and OLEDB command. Adam Haines (blog) wrote a very nice post about using INSTEAD OF triggers on views to improve this solution.

The other scenario I see quite interesting is logging rows that fail to be inserted into destination table. Usually failure occurs because of constraint violations – like invalid value of the column on which there is a CHECK constraint or NULL where it shouldn’t be.

BCP allows for output of invalid rows into a separate file. The same sometimes is used in SSIS solutions. You can create File destination to save rows which fail to be input into the table. I see a few issues with this approach. If you use CSV file, you loose distinction between NULL and empty fields. If you use raw binary file – you can’t really investigate its contents. There is also all this hassle with destinations, file locations, disk space, access etc.

I’ve been working with SSIS for a few years and in the past we came up with idea to create custom component, written in C# that would be used in script components of SSIS at the end of data flows, connected with final destinations with red arrows. This worked pretty well. In ProcessInputRow handler the row would be passed to the component which would create XML from it using reflection. The XML would subsequently be saved in a table in database, making it easy to query and troubleshoot.

Well, this approach has a few drawbacks as well: you need to deploy and maintain component’s code, the error handling is processed row by row, and reflection does not improve performance, especially when upstream data were totally wrong and all rows had to be redirected to the audit output.

I recently began new project, and had to approach the question of audit failed rows once more. I didn’t want to use the component due to these problems I wrote above. I realized that I can use SQL Server to convert the data from the pack into XML. Let’s look how it works.

First, let’s create testing environment. We will create package that moves data from one database to another. The following snippet creates source and destination databases and table that contains the source data.

   1: use master
   2: go
   3: create database SSISTestSourceDB
   4: go
   5: create database SSISTestDestinationDB
   6: go
   8: use SSISTestSourceDB
   9: go
  10: create table tSource(Col1 int, Col2 int null, Col3 varchar(20), Col4 datetime)
  11: go
  12: insert tSource(Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4)
  13: values 
  14: (1, 1, 'Value1', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP),
  15: (2, null, 'Value1', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), --for null value error
  16: (3, 3, 'DB', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), --for min length check constraint violation
  17: (4, 4, 'Value1', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP),
  18: (5, 5, 'Value1', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP),
  19: (6, 100, 'Value1', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), --for out of range check constraint violation
  20: (7, 7, 'Value1', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP),
  21: (8, 8, 'Value1', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP),
  22: (9, 9, 'Value1', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP),
  23: (10, 10, 'Value1', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), --two tens for pk violation on destination
  24: (10, 11, 'Value1', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP),
  25: (11, 12, 'Value1', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
  27: go

Now let’s create table in the destination database:

   1: use SSISTestDestinationDB
   2: go
   3: create schema Staging authorization dbo
   4: go
   5: create table Staging.tDestination 
   6: (
   7:     Col1 int not null constraint PK__1 primary key clustered,
   8:     Col2 int not null constraint CHK__Col2_Range check (Col2 < 30),
   9:     Col3 varchar(20) not null constraint CHK__MinLenGreaterThan2 check (len(Col3) > 2),
  10:     Col4 datetime not null
  11: ) 
  12: go

The Audit table will store the audit data:

   1: --table that will accept errors from the pack
   2: create table Audit.tAuditETLErrors
   3: (
   4:     [ErrorCode] [bigint] NULL,
   5:     [ErrorColumn] [bigint] NULL,
   6:     [ErrorDescription] [nvarchar](1000) NULL,
   7:     [ErrorData] [xml] NULL, --actual row data
   8:     [UpdateDate] [datetime] not null constraint DF_UpdateDate1 default (getdate())
   9: )
  10: go

As you see, the table is pretty simple: ErrorCode and ErrorColumn are derived directly from data flow in the SSIS package, ErrorDescription is added to retrieve more meaningful error description and ErrorData is XML column that contains serialized audit row.

Now the main part of the idea: a view with an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger on it.

   1: --create error handling view and trigger
   2: create view Audit.vDestinationSSISError
   3: as
   4: select convert(bigint, 0) ErrorCode, 
   5:         convert(bigint, 0) ErrorColumn, 
   6:         convert(nvarchar(1000), N'') ErrorDescription, 
   7:         dst.* 
   8:     from Staging.tDestination dst
   9:     where 1 = 0 --this view doesn't have to return any data
  10: go
  11: create trigger Audit.trgins_vDestinationSSISError on Audit.vDestinationSSISError
  12: instead of insert
  13: as
  14: begin
  15:     set nocount on
  16:     --insert new row to audit table. actual data are converted to XML
  17:     insert Audit.tAuditETLErrors (ErrorCode, ErrorColumn, ErrorDescription, ErrorData, UpdateDate)
  18:     select ErrorCode, ErrorColumn, ErrorDescription, 
  19:     (select * from inserted 
  20:         for xml raw, elements xsinil, root('etl_error')), current_timestamp
  21:     from inserted
  22: end
  23: go

The view doesn’t return any data, because in this case it is used only for trigger. The view has to expose ErrorCode, ErrorColumn and ErrorDescription columns, plus all columns of the destination table if you want to audit all columns.

The trigger uses select… for xml query to serialize incoming data into xml stream that is inserted eventually to ErrorData column.

The package is built in pretty simple way. There is OLEDB source, OLEDB destination – using ‘fast’ bulk load option. Then there is OLEDB ‘Normal’ destination – for batches which were rolled back because of errors in the ‘Fast’ destination.


Then, for rows that didn’t make it to the destination table, redirection to additional destination is made, to the view destination:


The script component before the final destination adds ErrorDescription to the data flow:



There’s a catch: you better use ADO.NET destination in the package because OLEDB destination is unaware of the triggers on the views. While you can configure OLEDB destination to use view, the rows will fail to be inserted because of the same reasons they weren’t inserted in the fist place. You can solve it by creating a table with exactly the same schema as the destination table but without any constraints. This approach is a bit awkward and you have to maintain tables in sync. I found it easier to use ADO.NET destination. If you use connection string stored in package configurations, you just have to be sure that you use connection string for .NET for this destination, otherwise it will not work.


You map the columns the normal way:


This is what you’ll see when you run the package:


From 12 rows read from the source, three were inserted using bulk insert, and nine went to the ‘Slow’ destination. There, rows were inserted row by row, and rows which failed were redirected to the error output – you see there were four of them. Then the script component adds ErrorDescription column and rows are inserted into the view. When you select from the Audit.tAuditETLErrors table you will see all four of them:


I find this setup pretty useful, I wonder what do you think.

I attach the test script and the test SSIS project so you can straight go to the fun part.

Monday, June 28, 2010

INSTEAD OF triggers on views

Last time I wrote about updateable views – a feature that is not considered by many database architects and developers when they implement data interface. The updateable views have some limitations what makes them useful in only specific situations. Two most important limitations in my opinion are that you cannot update columns from more than one table in single update statement and that any derived or calculated columns cannot be directly updated.
Luckily, there is a way to bypass these limitations by using INDSTEAD OF triggers on views. The triggers are fired as the name implies instead of DML statement, so you have to implement effective operation within the trigger. If the trigger is empty, no update, insert or delete will be made.
Let’s look at Person.vContact2 view again. The view returns columns ContactId, NameStyle, Full Title, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName and several others. The Full Title column is a column that returns custom information depending on the underlying Title column from the Person.Contact table. You cannot update the Full Title column directly, because it doesn’t exist in the Person.Contact. If you want to change the information returned by the view, you have to modify the Title column in the table. Of course, you can update the table directly or via stored procedure and in most cases this would be the preferred way, but in some cases updating the view has its benefits. You may also have a requirement that the tables must not be updateable directly and the views are the only interface you can use to modify the data.
So, to change the Full Title column in the view, you have to modify the Title value appropriately. As you remember, the definition of the view is as follows:
   1: ALTER view [Person].[vContact2]
   2: as
   3: select ContactID, NameStyle, 
   4: case when Title = 'Mr.' then 'Very long title 1'
   5:     when Title = 'Ms.' then 'Very long title 2'
   6:     else 'Other title' end [Full Title], 
   7: FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Suffix, EmailAddress, EmailPromotion, Phone, PasswordHash, PasswordSalt, rowguid, ModifiedDate
   8: from Person.Contact

Lines 4-6 contain definition of the Full Title column. In my AdventureWorks database, ContactID has ‘Other title’ returned by the view. I want to change it to ‘Very long title 1’.

You can create triggers for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements. One of the ways is to create one trigger for all three types of operation, the other is to create a separate trigger for each of types separately. The latter approach simplifies logic within the trigger a bit, on the expense of maintainability – you have three database objects to worry about instead of one.

This is sample trigger that is fired for every DML operation against the view:

   1: create trigger Person.trgVContact2 on Person.vContact2
   2: instead of insert, update, delete
   3: as
   4: begin
   5:     print 'Trigger called'
   6: end

Now let’s call an update on the view:

   1: select * from Person.vContact2 where ContactId = 4
   2: update Person.vContact2 set LastName = 'NoName' where ContactId = 4
   3: select * from Person.vContact2 where ContactId = 4

Nice. The trigger was fired as you can see in the output. But, if you look at the LastName column, it was not changed. This is because this is an instead of trigger and it replaces the original operation. To actually update the column,  you have to implement the trigger in more useful way:

   1: if exists (select 1 from sys.objects where object_id = object_id('Person.trgVContact2'))
   2: drop trigger Person.trgVContact2
   3: go
   4: create trigger Person.trgVContact2 on Person.vContact2
   5: instead of insert, update, delete
   6: as
   7: begin
   8:     if (@@rowcount = 0)
   9:     begin
  10:         print 'No rows matching criteria'
  11:         return
  12:     end
  13:     if exists(select 1 from inserted) and exists (select 1 from deleted) --update operationr
  14:     begin
  15:         update contacts set LastName = inserted.LastName
  16:         from Person.Contact contacts inner join inserted on contacts.ContactId = inserted.ContactId 
  17:     end
  18:     else if exists(select 1 from inserted) --insert operation
  19:     begin
  20:         return; --TODO: implement with useful logic
  21:     end
  22:     else --delete operation
  23:     begin
  24:         return; --TODO: implement with useful logic
  25:     end
  26: end

As you see, this trigger allows for updating only LastName column. This column this column is exposed by the view without any modifications. On a side, did you know that triggers are fired even when no rows are affected? This was a surprise for me a few months ago. You can prevent potentially costly code from running if you check if there is anything to process. Lines 8-12 show how it can be done.

Ok, what about Full Title and other columns? This is the modified code for update operation only:

   1: if exists(select 1 from inserted) and exists (select 1 from deleted) --update operationr
   2:     begin
   3:         if update(PasswordHash) or update(PasswordSalt)
   4:         begin
   5:             print 'Password data changes are not permitted'
   6:             return
   7:         end
   8:         update contacts 
   9:             set NameStyle = inserted.NameStyle,
  10:                 Title = case inserted.[Full Title]
  11:                             when 'Very long title 1' then 'Mr.'
  12:                             when 'Very long title 2' then 'Ms.'
  13:                             else contacts.Title --no change in this case
  14:                         end,
  15:                 FirstName = inserted.FirstName,
  16:                 MiddleName = inserted.MiddleName,
  17:                 LastName = inserted.LastName,
  18:                 Suffix = inserted.Suffix,
  19:                 EmailAddress = inserted.EmailAddress,
  20:                 EmailPromotion = inserted.EmailPromotion,
  21:                 Phone = inserted.Phone,
  22:                 ModifiedDate = current_timestamp
  23:         from Person.Contact contacts inner join inserted on contacts.ContactId = inserted.ContactId 
  24:     end

Triggers offer you opportunity to validate what columns are updated. In certain scenarios, you don’t want users to be able to modify sensitive data. This can be achieved using triggers for example. In lines 3-7 of the above script you can see code preventing update operation on PasswordSalt and PasswordHash operations.

Ok, so far, so good. Triggers on views are one of the methods of implementing logic required to update data. However usually it is better to do it using stored procedures. There are scenarios though when triggers on views give you quite interesting ways of implementing ETL. More about this in next post.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Updateable views – how to use them

This post is first part of miniseries that discusses ways of updating data in views. In this post I will discuss updateable views, in the second part there will be short overview of INSTEAD OF triggers and interesting implications they offer.

Note: All examples in this post are made using AdventureWorks sample database, which you can download from CodePlex page.

With simple views selecting just from single table, with no derived columns the query engine knows how to translate insert or update statement on view to appropriate operation on underlying tables, and no trigger is required. The following script shows an example of such behaviour:

   1: select * from Person.vContact1 where ContactID = 1
   2: update Person.vContact1 set MiddleName = 'S.' where ContactID = 1
   3: select * from Person.vContact1 where ContactID = 1

The query engine translates update statement against the view to an update statement against the underlying table, and if you look at the execution plan of the update statement, you’ll see there is no difference to an update statement against the bare table:


If the view is more complex, the query engine doesn’t know how to execute the operation and the update fails. There may be several different error messages, depending on the type of the error. For example, if you have calculated column in your view, you cant update this column and obviously you can’t insert rows into the view. The following view returns more or less the same information as the Person.vContact1, but it replaces original value of MiddleName column with custom string:

   1: ALTER view [Person].[vContact2]
   2: as
   3: select ContactID, NameStyle, 
   4: case when Title = 'Mr.' then 'Very long title 1'
   5:     when Title = 'Ms.' then 'Very long title 2'
   6:     else 'Other title' end [Full Title], 
   7: FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Suffix, EmailAddress, EmailPromotion, Phone, PasswordHash, PasswordSalt, rowguid, ModifiedDate
   8: from Person.Contact

If you try to update the Full Title column, the update will fail:

   1: select * from Person.vContact2 where ContactID = 1
   2: update Person.vContact1 set [Full Title] = 'Some other title' where ContactID = 1
   3: select * from Person.vContact2 where ContactID = 1

Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Invalid column name 'Full Title'.

This is obviously reasonable: Full Title column is calculated at runtime, when the view is executed and cannot be altered in any way because there is no storage related with this column – this column doesn’t exist in the table. You can however update other columns in this view, because they are bound directly to columns in the table.

   1: select * from Person.vContact2 where ContactID = 1
   2: update Person.vContact1 set MiddleName = 'D.' where ContactID = 1
   3: select * from Person.vContact2 where ContactID = 1

In some cases views return data from more than one table. Let’s examine such case. The following script updates City name in one of the tables that comprise the Purchasing.vVendor view:

   1: select * from Purchasing.vVendor where VendorId = 1
   2: select * from Person.Address where AddressLine1 = '683 Larch Ct.'
   3: update Purchasing.vVendor set City = 'Buenos Aires' where VendorId = 1
   4: select * from Person.Address where AddressLine1 = '683 Larch Ct.'
   5: select * from Purchasing.vVendor where VendorId = 1

When you run the above script you’ll notice that query engine was smart enough to update only appropriate row in the Person.Address table. Note also that the view,although joins eight tables, uses inner joins only and the query engine is able to determine exact range of rows to update in each participating table.

There are some other conditions that have to be met to make a view updateable, for example, when you run an update query, you have to modify only columns from one base table at a time. The following query fails:

   1: update Purchasing.vVendor 
   2:     set City = 'Buenos Aires',
   3:     MiddleName = 'M.' 
   4:     where VendorId = 1

Msg 4405, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
View or function 'Purchasing.vVendor' is not updatable because the modification affects multiple base tables.

Other conditions include (after MSDN):
  • The columns being modified in the view must directly reference the underlying data in the table columns. The columns cannot be derived in any other way, such as through the following:

    • An aggregate function: AVG, COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, GROUPING, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, and VARP.
    • A computation. The column cannot be computed from an expression that uses other columns. Columns that are formed by using the set operators UNION, UNION ALL, CROSSJOIN, EXCEPT, and INTERSECT amount to a computation and are also not updatable.
  • The columns being modified are not affected by GROUP BY, HAVING, or DISTINCT clauses.
  • TOP is not used anywhere in the select_statement of the view together with the WITH CHECK OPTION clause.
This will conclude first part of the series. In the next post I will write about triggers on views and their possible usage.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Things I like – generate DROP .. CREATE scripts

I will be writing about things I like from time to time. That is SQL Server things - other than beer, good books and company.
For today, one small thing but how useful. In SQL Server Management Studio 2008 you can script objects as DROP and CREATE in one go:
This is very useful for us, as we store all database objects in our SVN as DROP..CREATE scripts. Using this feature saves quite a bit of time each time we want to update the source control.
I noticed an interesting behavior - if you script your table this way, all constraints defined in the table are scripted with drop statements before the actual DROP TABLE statement is included. This is quite handy as you can easily modify this script to change constraint names or definitions without having to script them separately.